Individual learning is key for organizational learning. Make Me Better Meetings (MMB) as described in John Strelecky’s book «The Big Five for Life» are a great way to connect both.
MMBs are usually used for risky bets – idea with lots of uncertainty, substantial investment and high potential. The goal of this meeting is to help improve the presenter’s idea. (Nota bene: not shutting it down. This may still be a potential outcome of the meeting, but this is entirely up to the presenter at this stage.)
A presenter (duh!), a host and as many participants as you see fit. The host’s job is to moderate the discussion and keep it focused on the goal: making the idea better.
The ideal number of participants depends on the idea itself, the structure of your company and how familiar it is with this type of meeting. Group dynamics tend to change above a group size of 12 people, so you might want to start with a smaller group and potentially increase the number of participants going forward. The most important aspect of a great MMB group is diversity. And diversity in this context includes gender, experience, departments, nationalities etc.
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