… unless you learn from them in a structured way!
Product teams often invest a lot of time in their experiments (which is great), but pay much less attention to documenting their findings. Which is a pity!
If you don’t document your experiments properly
❌ new hires have no clue what you have tested in the past and might end up testing the same hypotheses again
❌ you are less likely to spot flaws in your validation setup (it really helps to think about how you will document your learnings BEFORE you run the experiment!)
❌ you are depriving your team of an opportunity to reflect not only on the decision at stake, but also on the meta learnings on how to run future experiments
Here is a little cheat sheet on how we document decisions at Product Academy.
If you would like to learn more about how to fill out each section, check out the full article on Product Academy’s Substack Page.
Read full article on Substack