Not ready to talk
After five years of changing multiple diapers a day for the kids, I just needed to take a moment to celebrate: both kids are now diaper-free (at least during the day 😉 So let me take this opportunity to tell you a little diaper story:
When I used to ask my little son Matteo whether he needed a new diaper, he often replied «I don’t wanna tell you» («Will ich nicht sagen») with this sweet stubborn look on his face. More often than not this meant he really needed one. Sometimes it did not.
What it always meant: He did not want to tell me. He was busy. Embarrassed. Annoyed. Or not sure yet.
«Will ich nicht sagen.»
For my friend Judith and me this has become a running joke – and a mantra for our own lives. Sometimes we are just not ready to talk yet. We need to be left alone. Let’s respect that in us and in others. I recently started asking this instead: «Are you ready for a solution yet?»
And now I am going back to celebrating less diapers in this world 🙂 What are you celebrating today?
This text was first published in my though-letter Tanja’s Butterflies (October Edition 2021). If you are interested in receiving the next editions in your inbox with additional resources, you can subscribe here.