One week ago Tobias and me went to see the Cirque du Soleil in Zurich – and seven days later I am still buzzing with joy and excitement about their show. We have been listening to the LUZIA soundtrack non-stop, even the kids requested we play it first thing in the morning…
So today, you don’t get any deep reflections from me, just pure butterflies. There is something about visiting the circus that is so deeply touching. Maybe it’s because everything is perfectly orchestrated to make you forget about the rest of your life and just dance in the moment. Maybe it’s because there is something so beautiful about watching an entire crew move in perfect unison. Maybe it’s because you get to witness people doing a job where they can put their best talent to work and enjoy it. Maybe it’s because you are sharing this moment of awe with so many other people. And maybe it’s because it’s one of the few occasions where I don’t feel the slightest pinch of envy watching very pretty people do very awesome things better than I could even in my wildest dreams 🙂
Tobias and me spent hours watching documentaries about the Cirque du Soleil and the kids now convinced us to go to the circus with them soon. So I just wanted to share some of the magic with you.
And you know what? I booked the tickets to this show over 8 months ago! If I had not done that back in February, I am sure we would not have gone because something would have come up or we would not have been able to find someone to watch the kids.
So I’ll leave you with this idea: Why don’t you go ahead and book something TODAY that you will look forward to for the next months? Tickets to a concert, a theater or anything else that you are excited about. Do it today – and send me a message next year when you attend your event and thank yourself for generating some butterfly moments for yourself 🙂
Big hug